Summer barbecue season is upon us, which means it's the perfect time for a steak.
Summer barbecue season is upon us, which means it’s the perfect time for a steak. Shared by Chris Jackson, owner of Jackson’s Meat + Deli in Kitsilano, this simply delicious preparation is his personal go-to. “I have only cooked my steak one way in the last 20 years, and here is how I do it.”
6 oz (170 g) T-bone steak such as B.C.-raised 63 Acres
1 pinch on each side of Jackson’s House-made Steak Spice
1 clove minced fresh garlic on each side
Bring the steaks out of the fridge to come to room temperature for about 30 minutes. While the steaks are resting, season them with the steak spice. If you are not fortunate enough to have our spice, you could use Montreal steak spice.
Mix olive oil and soy sauce together and gently pat on the seasoned steak. For best results, I like to cook on the BBQ, but a cast-iron pan works fantastic as well.
For a one-inch-thick steak, I would get the grill or pan as hot as you can. Do not add oil to pan, it will burn. Cook on one side for two minutes or until you achieve a nice golden-brown sear, then flip the steak and turn down to medium heat. Cook for another two minutes. Remove from grill/pan and allow to rest for a few minutes. This should result in a medium-rare steak. Cook longer if preferred.
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