An employee holds out a samosa sizzler at Milan Sweet Center. The Milpitas restaurant is one of a handful of places in the Bay Area that specializes in the Mumbai-style dish. (Beth LaBerge/KQED)
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Senior Editor / Home and Kitchen
I live in Brooklyn where I write about food subscriptions, cooking, kitchen gadgets and comme
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by: David Allan Van, BestReviews Staff
by: David Allan Van, BestReviews Staff
Braisers are traditional cookware designed for the cooking method known as braising. Like a Dutch oven, a braiser has a
Good news: Almost all your favorite cookware will work with an induction appliance
By Mary H.J. Farrell
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Shea Simmons is an Atlanta-based writer who has written about everything from whether Crisco is a good moisturizer to how to KonM