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How you get in and out of the move is key.
Ever read that book Confessions of a Shopaholic? You know, the one where the main character can’t help but buy things no matter how hard she tries to stop?
Well, when it comes to exercise equipment, I can relate. It's hard to resist a brand new tool to help me mix up my workouts, and I find the endless possibilities that come from having a broad set of equipment totally freeing. The next addition I make to my collection will be a set of kettlebells, because there are tons of moves you can do with them, like swings, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, Turkish get-ups, and, of course, kettlebell squats.
Yup, kettlebells are *great* for squatting. Because of the compact shape, people are generally able to lift more weight using a kettlebell, according to Amanda Hudock, CPT, who also boasts the prized "Black belt" of kettlebell certs. Plus, she adds, due to the way they’re holding the weight, many people can sit deeper into a goblet squat with a kettlebell than they can while doing, say, a barbell squat.
Your lower bod will feel the burn: “Primarily, you’re working the quads and the glutes,” Hudock says. That, she notes, is pretty similar to any other kind of squat. But the kettlebell targets additional muscles. Because you’re holding the weight out, you’re working your back, arms, and shoulders, too, Hudock explains. Plus, your core is engaged to keep you upright. “If you think of yourself holding a goblet position with a kettlebell and you’re in the standing position of the squat, it’s essentially the same as a forearm plank,” she says.
Intrigued yet? I figured you might be. So, here's everything you need to know about kettlebell squats, from step-by-step form instructions to picking the perfect bell weight to variations fit for pros according to experts.
Even if you’ve already mastered perfect squat form, don’t skip this section. Adding weight with a bell means there are a few more form tips to keep in mind during this move. Here are Hudock’s step-by-step instructions for performing a kettlebell goblet squat:
Pro Tip: Stand with your feet at hips distance, then jump three times. Wherever your feet land, Hudock says, that’s your squat stance sweet spot.
There are a couple common errors Hudock sees during the move. You’ll want to avoid these kettlebell squat missteps in order to stay safe and get the most out of it.
You lean too far forward. This is called hinging. “When you squat, think of your torso almost like an elevator,” Hudock says. “It goes up and down, but it doesn’t go side to side.” The goal of the squat, she explains, is to work your quads and glutes. When you hinge forward, it takes some of the work away from the quads, and can also load the low back and potentially lead to pain.
You might find yourself hinging if your ankles aren’t mobile, according to Hudock. Luckily, there’s an easy fix: Elevate your heels, making sure both feet are propped evenly, she suggests. You can use barbell plates for this, Hudock notes, or even cookbooks and textbooks. (And if you really want to go all-in, you can purchase actual squat wedges.)
Your knees aren't on track. If your knees cave in or come too far out, you can injure your joints, Hudock explains. She notes that there are a few reasons this might happen, like if you’re taller and your stance is too narrow. But often, she says, this occurs due to lack of strength, in which case she recommends switching to bodyweight and potentially even using your hands to pull your knees in or press them out so that they’re aligned with your second or third toe.
Your feet are wobbling. Your shoes could be the prob, per Hudock. She recommends squatting barefoot or in flat training shoes (not running shoes!) to avoid unstable feet.
Now, if you’re still struggling with form, you might want to see a trainer for personalized help, Hudock says. Everyone is different, she notes: You might be hinging forward because you have low ankle mobility, but it also could result from tight hips or an injury you don’t realize is affecting your squat. If you’re concerned about your form, it’s 100% worth it to work with a pro, she says.
If you’re just starting out with exercise, Hudock suggests adding kettlebell squats in once a week. If you’ve got more experience (as in, you’ve been working out for at least six months), go ahead and level up to twice a week, she says.
You shouldn’t save these for the end of your workout if your goal is to work a little heavier or build a good foundation, Hudock adds. “You don’t want to do 30 minutes of cardio and then squat, because you’ll be tired,” she says. (Still, be sure to warm up first, activating the muscles and joints you’ll need to use with movements like bodyweight squats, runner’s lunges, and planks.)
You also might be wondering how much weight you should squat with a kettlebell. The best kettlebell weight depends on your workout goals. “You can have three different kettlebell sizes,” Hudock says, “and they can all be beneficial for that squat depending what your goal is.” On some days, she adds, you might work really heavy with lower reps and on others you might go for a lighter weight and extra reps.
Here are Hudock's recommendations for selecting the right kettlebell:
In general, Hudock recommends picking out a good quality kettlebell made of cast iron with a powder coat. “It’s worth it to invest in the cast iron bell,” she says, adding that they’ll last longer and will be more comfortable to use.
A good starter pack might include three bells: 18, 26, and 35 pounds, Hudock says. (But take note: KB’s are often sold in kilos, she says. A 12-kilo bell is about 26 pounds.) When you incorporate them into your squats, make sure to start light, Hudock advises. Try a few reps with your chosen weight, focusing on your form, she adds.
There are a few different ways to level up your kettlebell squats once you’ve nailed the basics. So, when you’re ready (and perhaps a little bored with the movement you’ve been perfecting), try one of these:
1. If you want to challenge yourself in the goblet squat but aren’t quite ready to increase your weight, Hudock suggests amping up your time under tension (stay in the squat longer). Lower for five seconds, hold at the bottom for five seconds, then stand up for five seconds. You can also change up how you’re holding the bell. Holding it up higher (in line with your face instead of your chin) will challenge your muscles more.
2. You can also try an entirely new variation, like the kettlebell front squat. This move, Hudock says, is when you have two kettlebells in the front rack position. Hold them up and resting on vertical forearms, keep your elbows by your ribcage, and maintain slight wrist flexion (think: knuckles up), she explains.
3. The single-arm front squat, Hudock notes, is basically the same, but you’re doing it with just one kettlebell. This variation, she says, is great for evening out any imbalances you may have (if, for instance, one side is stronger than the other). Plus, the offset load adds a ton of extra core work. “Single-arm front squats are secret core,” Hudock says. “I promise [they] will give you so much more than a sit-up.”