2022-08-13 00:51:43 By : Mr. Jeff Xu

Clear skies. Low 49F. Winds light and variable..

Clear skies. Low 49F. Winds light and variable.

ESTATE AUCTION ANTIQUES, MODERN FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, TOOLS, TRAPS, MISC. SATURDAY AUGUST 13TH, 10AM & SUNDAY AUGUST 14TH, 11AM LOCATED: 5206 ZECHER RD, CARTHAGE, N.Y. WE HAVE BEEN ASKED TO UQUIDATE BY PUBLIC AUCTION THE CONTENTS OF THE DUANE & ALETHA STREETER HOME CONSISITING OF MANY GENERATIONS OF ITEMS. THE FOLLOWING IS A VERY PARTIAL LISTING: SATURDAY AUGUST 13TH 10AM: Antique Olympic Bicycle, LARGE QUANTITY of All Sizes Of Traps, Stretchers, Trapping Supplies, Wood/Electric Enamel Cook Stove, Crocks & jugs, Hobby Horse, Upright Radio, Hand Sleds, Lawn Furniture, lawn & Garden Tools, JD Snow Blower, Bushel Baskets, Several Hatchets, Rural Smalls, Hand & Power Tools, Log Chains, Bottle Jacks, Old Fish Nets, Fishing Items & Tackle, Coleman Stoves, Oil Lanterns, Coleman Lanterns, Wrench Sets, Snow Shoes, Tool Boxes, Milk Cans, Ladders, Furniture For Repair, Adv, Boxes, Many Surprises, Plus Much, Much Morel! SUNDAY AUGUST 14TH, 11AM: Large Quantity Of All Types Of Glassware, Pyrex Bowls, Pots & Pans, Small Appliances, Kitchen Set, Sofa-Love Seat & Chair, Dressers, Stands, Beds, Porcelain Dolls, Baskets, Table & Floor Lamps, Old Records, Adv. Items, Small Collectibles, Quantity Of Cook Books, Linens, Towels, 2 Draw Oak File Cabinet, Maple Desk/Chair, Metal Cabinets, Coffee & End Tables, Like New Lift Chair, Quilts, Quantity Of Jewelry, Fall & Christmas Decorations, Electric Fireplace, Mirrors, Cedar Chest, Hand-Cap Scooter, Oil Lamps, Crocks & Jugs, Cane Botton Chairs, Rockers, Antique Furniture, Electronics, Sewing Box & Supplies, Antique Drop Front Desk, Antique Dressers & Stands, Pictures/Frames, Box Lots, Silverware, Plus Much, Much More! AUCTIONEERS NOTE: These Will Be 2 VERY LARGE Auctions!! Auction Under Tent-Bring Your Chairs!! PREVIEW: 1 HR Before Each Auction!! AUCTION TERMS: Cash OR Check, 10%BP Applies To All Sales!! FOOD TRUCK BY: HUMBLE PALACE. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! FOR MORE INFORMATION & PICTURES GO TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE!! DON PECK AUCTIONEER & SALE MANAGER PH: 315-771-7690

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