Treat dad to a feast this Father's Day with one — or a few — of these tasty recipes.
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Treat dad to a feast this Father’s Day with one — or a few — of these tasty recipes.
Shared by local chefs and celebrities — ahem, like Vancouver’s very own Ryan Reynolds — the delicious bites and savoury sips are sure to excite this weekend, or any other day after. From a creamy dip to delicious beef ribs, here are a few favourite Father’s Day recipes to cook up and serve at your family celebration.
Recipe by: Chef Jonathan Chappel at Feast the Neighbourhood Table
1 1/2 cups (375 mL) drained, chopped, artichoke hearts
In a mixer, blender, or with a potato masher, mix ingredients starting with cream cheese, sour cream, and parmesan, followed by artichoke, spinach, and garlic. Put mix into oven safe container and top with shredded cheddar. Bake at 450F until cheese is melted and browning. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot with tortilla chips.
Recipe by: Chef Douglas Lee at Winston
2 lbs (907 g) bone in beef ribs
2 cups (500 mL) fermented red bean curd
1/2 cup (125 mL) tamari or low-sodium soy sauce
Mash or blend together fermented bean curd, brown sugar, tamari or low sodium soy sauce and all cloves of garlic until resembling a medium fine past
Marinate ribs overnight or up to 5 days for superb results. Preheat oven to 350F and wrap ribs airtight in a tray or in a braising pan for 1.5 hours. Alternatively you can steam the ribs over a pot of water in a basket for 1 hour or until tender.
Preheat oven to broil setting or maximum temperature and set ribs on the top level to caramelize and glaze over
Recipe by: Executive Chef Matteo Fontana at Italian Kitchen
1 cup and 1 tbsp (265 mL) all-purpose flour
1 cup and 1 tbsp (265 mL) semolina flour
5 free range eggs, medium size
2 fl oz (60 mL) tepid water
On a work table make a well with the flour and semolina mixture. Whisk the eggs and pour in the middle. Stir with a fork until all the flour is incorporated. Utilize the water to adjust the moisture of the dough. Work the mix by hand and form a ball. Keep working until the surface is smooth and it starts developing some resistance. Set aside to rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes or in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
This process can also be done with a KitchenAid mixer and a dough hook attachment (mixing time will be half).
After resting, sheet the dough with a pasta sheeter until the desired thickness is achieved. Flour the sheets and cut them about 35-40cm long. Use the fettuccine cutting tool to cut your sheets. Sprinkle with semolina while cutting the sheets to prevent sticking. Lay on a tray and cover with a kitchen towel.
16 oz (1 lb) B.C. fire morels
2 fl oz (60 mL) extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste
Clean and cut the morels in half. Do not wash them. Brush them clean if needed instead. In a saucepan melt the butter and the oil. Add the onion and the garlic and cook until blonde. Add the morels, and cook until they start softening. Lower the heat to simmer and add 4 fl oz water. Cook for at least 1 hour until almost all liquid has been reabsorbed.
3/4 cup and 1 tbsp (195 mL) frozen sweet peas
Blanch the peas for 30 seconds in hard boiling salty water. Put them in a blender, add the butter and puree until smooth. Season to taste.
Bring a large pot of salty water to boil. In the meantime, in a sauté pan, warm up the morels.
Cook the noodles for 3 minutes then transfer to the pan with morels. Raise the fire to high and toss the pasta in the sauce. Add some cooking water to keep the sauce creamy. Add the mascarpone to the pan and toss to combine. Finish with a handful of fresh parsley and grated parmesan cheese. Serve immediately on a plate dressed with the sweet pea puree. Buon appetito!
Recipe by: Chef Behshad Zolnasr at C | Prime Modern Italian Steak & Wine
Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl and mix with a whisk until everything is incorporated.
Preheat your waffle iron, and spray with none stick spray. In large bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. In separate large bowl mix together eggs, vegetable oil, milk and vanilla extract. Add wet mixture into your dry mixture insuring there is no lumps. Pour batter into your waffle iron and cook for 3-5 minutes depending on how crispy you want your waffle to be.
18 oz (500 g) or 5-7 skinless boneless chicken thighs
Add your buttermilk to a large bowl. Add your garlic powder, onion powder and paprika until everything is incorporated. Marinade for 1 hour up to 24 hours.
Add 500 mL canola oil to a pan and using a thermometer bring the temperature of the oil to 375 Fahrenheit. Add wet marinated chicken, to dry spiced flour and cover the chicken with the flour mixture. Fry chicken for 4-6 minutes depending on size, or internal temp of 165 Fahrenheit.
1 cup (250 ml) extra-virgin olive oil, plus more if needed
6 equal-size ripe, meaty tomatoes (about 8 ounces/230 g each), preferably beefsteak or heirloom, cored
1 large head of garlic, cloves separated and peeled
1 large red onion, cut into small pieces
A handful of fresh herbs, such as thyme sprigs, sage leaves, oregano leaves
2 tsp (10 mL red wine vinegar, plus more if needed
Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat the horno, or a home oven, to 325 ̊F (170°C). Pour about a third of the oil into a baking dish that will snugly hold your tomatoes and is at least 2 inches (5 cm) deep. Set the tomatoes in the pan, cut side up, and stuff with the garlic cloves, onion, and herbs, tucking any excess around the tomatoes wherever you can. Sprinkle with the vinegar and add enough oil to come about halfway up the sides of the tomatoes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Bake, uncovered, for about 2 hours, until the tomatoes are very tender but still retain their shape. In the first half hour or so, they will throw off a lot of liquid, which will eventually reduce, allowing you to add more oil. Check the dish every 30 minutes or so and adjust the heat so the liquid maintains a gentle bubble. To brown the top, move the dish to the hottest part of the oven for the last few minutes; if cooking indoors, increase the temperature to 425°F (220°C) or run the dish under the broiler.
Let cool, then serve, or transfer the entire contents of the baking dish to an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to 5 days.
8 ounces (227 g) pecorino pepato cheese, shaved
Prepare a fire for medium heat and warm the plancha. If cooking indoors, heat a large cast-iron griddle over medium heat. Place the tomatoes on a sheet pan and stuff a generous amount of cheese into the centre of each. Drizzle the cheese with a little olive oil.
Brush the hot plancha or griddle generously with olive oil. Working with one tomato at a time and using a wide sharp-edged spatula, in one quick motion invert each tomato, cheese side down, onto the hot surface. Leave them there for several minutes, until the cheese has melted and each tomato is nicely browned. Lift the tomatoes off the plancha or griddle and flip them, cheese side up, onto a serving platter. Serve immediately.
Excerpted from Green Fire by Francis Mallmann. Copyright © 2022 Francis Mallmann. Photography ©2022 William Herefold. Published by Appetite by Random House, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved.
Recipe by: Chef Steven Hodge at Temper Chocolate and Pastry
Brioche 1 cup + 2 tbsp (188 g) bread flour
1 cup + 2 tbsp (188 g) all-purpose flour
2 tsp (7 g) active dry yeast
1/4 cup + 2 1/2 tsp (75 g) whole milk
In a mixing bowl with a dough hook attachment. Combine the bread flour, ap flour, sugar and salt. In a separate add the milk, slightly warm and add the yeast. Whisk together until the yeast dissolves. Add the eggs to the milk and then add to the dry mixture and mix on speed 2, until the dough fully comes together.
Once the dough forms together, slowly add the butter in thirds. Turn the mixer to medium speed and mix for 10-15 minutes. Until the dough separates from the sides of the bowl and becomes shiny and smooth. Remove from the bowl and knead the dough for 2 minutes. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover and place in the fridge until it becomes firm, approx. 15 minutes.
Portion the dough into 50-gram pieces. Roll the portions into round tight balls. Place on a parchment lined tray. Lightly cover with plastic wrap and proof until it doubles in size. Approximately 1-1.5 hours Pre-heat the oven to 350f. bake the brioche donuts for 12-15 minutes until lightly golden brown. Cool
Once cooled, fill a piping bag with the whipped cream. Poke a hole in the side of the donut and fill with the cream. Dust the filled donut with icing sugar or lightly brush the donut with simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water, bring to a boil) and dust with granulated sugar.
The simple syrup will stick the granulated sugar to the donut.
2 1/2 oz (75 mL) Aviation American Gin
1/2 oz (15 mL) dry white vermouth
1/2 oz (15 mL) mild Caesar mix
1/4 oz (7.5 mL) lemon juice, finely strained
2 or 3 olives, on a skewer
Pour the gin, vermouth, Caesar mix, lemon juice, and olive brine into a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with ice to just above the top of the liquid and stir with a bar spoon until the outside of the shaker is very cold to the touch. Strain the contents of the shaker into the chilled glass and garnish with the lemon peel and olive skewer.
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