June 8, 2022 | By Harley Schafer
Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on camp chairs, emergency radios, camp cookware, and more.
Whether you’re adventuring with your partner or just like plenty of room to spread out, this sleeping bag is an option for you. It has a water-repellent finish and synthetic insulation to keep you warm and dry without being too much for warmer nights.
The bag also unzips into two separate single bags for solo trips.
Optimizing space is a must at the campsite. This cookware set comes with a pot and two cups that nest together for neat and compact storage. The stainless steel pot has a locking handle and a vented lid that can double as a strainer. The two cups allow you to make coffee or soup for two over the campfire or on the camp stove.
These shorts are designed to be stretchy and soft, with quick-dry capabilities that can take you from the yoga mat to the grocery store. They have side stash pockets for your essentials and UPF 50+ protection.
Emergency preparedness is essential. This emergency weather radio is designed to ensure that you can keep up with weather warnings, and charge your USB devices. It also has a flashlight so you’re not left in the dark, and a high-frequency dog whistle to help ensure that you can be located in the dark.
This chair earned a spot on our list of the Best Camping Chairs of 2022 for its sturdiness. The heavy frame and strong feet make it an option for anyone looking for a heavy-duty camp chair that can handle wind and varied terrain.
Whether you’re climbing, setting up camp, or just living life, a carabiner is a good thing to have at your disposal. This set of 8 carabiners has an array of colors to help you coordinate with your cams, so you can stay organized and ready to go, no matter what size you need.
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Harley Schafer is a graduate of New Mexico State University and currently resides in southern Germany. Growing up in Oklahoma instilled a love of the outdoors, animals, and adventure. Hiking with her dogs is a favorite pastime, as well as exploring new places and trying new foods.
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Explore with a Friend Giveaway - Win a Pair and Give a Pair! Men’s AKU Alterra GTX Hiking Boots Women’s AKU Alterra Pro GTX Hiking Boots
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Explore with a Friend Giveaway - Win a Pair and Give a Pair! Men’s AKU Alterra GTX Hiking Boots Women’s AKU Alterra Pro GTX Hiking Boots